It must be karma named DHL cargo. December last year, I promised the mister to have a 6month gap in buying another set of candle holders. January of this year, I broke that promise by not being able to resist purchasing crystal candelabras. So I said, that's it for this year. Oh, but I am fickle. I just could not resist having the two arm as well. And if that was not enough, I just felt the need to have it in silver! Then karma came.
Our silver candelabras from India was supposed to arrive last December 4. And since the need of it was not urgent at first, I dilly dallied and gave them a week's allowance to bring it to our doorstep. A week passed by and I felt something was wrong. Everyday I called their hotline and asked for an update. The usual "ma'am we are processing it's clearance from customs, blah blah blah". I wanted to use it for our December 18 wedding so I asked it to be expedited. They gave more and more excuses. Then an email with an attachment of duties and taxes plus warehouse charges arrived. My thought goes, if I don't agree, there's no way they will ship it here in Sunshine. The initial quote they sent last December 4 escalated to 15thousand more. I was furious! The charges they were asking me to pay was even more expensive than the 20 candelabras we purchased. Take note, it's now "WE" purchased. But I semi kinda agreed just so it be delivered. The day the messenger did his first delivery attempt, we were working on a wedding, so I told him to come back the next day. The following morning, I was ready for battle. He unloaded my 19 boxes of shiny silver candelabras. I was so happy. My husband knows I have two sides, A for Angel, B for Bitch. Yet now he added a C for crazy! I guess the B and C took over. I told the messenger, I didn't want to pay and he should call his supervisor. I stood my ground that they made a mistake in the computation and there is no way, I am paying for warehousing charges as well. For the love of the heavens, I did not cause the delay at the customs. Why should I shoulder that expense? From 9 of the morning until 2 in the afternoon, the messenger, myself and officers from World express and DHL were trying so hard to be calm in trying to settle the mishap. Bottom line, we agreed to a settlement that left me happy and them, I really don't care. My most important lesson for this incident, never to use DHL ever again. Insist on using FedEx all the time as it is owned by the Bureau of Customs commissioner and from experience, taxes are cheaper and delivery dates are always followed. They are very very prompt. No wonder!
Alrighty, so it's time to switch to side A. Happy thoughts! We did Chel and Michael's loveliness at the Malacañang of the North with lots of beautiful Filipiniana details. The women's arm candies were fans with lovely fresh florals in gorgeous purple hues.
Their garden ceremony had floating lace umbrellas.

The floral arrangements were accented with capiz balls. The presidential tables were so lovely. No words. We also had chargers of capiz windows.

Their wedding cake had a hand piped pamaypay detail as well.

This wedding must have been fated to be lovely not even DHL could douse nor the caterer who at first could not produce the floor length linens I needed. All's well that ends well.
Congratulations darling Chel and Michael!