Dearest Ace,
When it came to a point that I started praying to the heavens to send someone in my life that would fit the "tall, dark, and handsome" cliche... I must have prayed so hard yet whispered the first word, so instead of that I got "cool, dark, and handsome". I must have been a little nice or a little good at that time that the heavens added more to what I wanted. He gave me you.
I remember the times when you were penniless, instead of me dropping you home then go my way... you would insist of you dropping me home and walk about 4km away to your place. I also remember how you would ask me on a date and buy for one because that was all you had. I also remember the thread bracelet you did because silver nor gold looks too far fetched. My heart melts remembering.
I am just so grateful that you were sent my way. Because together, we learned how to strive. Together we learned how to live not as one. Together we learned how to be each other's strength. Together we learned how to love more than ourselves. Together we learned how to give selflessly. Together we became more creative. Together we became better. Together we go places. I am having happy tears, and I am thankful and overwhelmed.
I start my mornings whispering and asking you "Do you love me? Super? Kisses please?" because I guess I still can't believe how I could have prayed so hard for you. But then again, I guess you love me that much for agreeing to do these scenes. I'm in awe of you for making it seem like a breeze keeping up with my craziness. Awe would be an understatement.
To make you feel like you've won more than the lottery, I promise to continue living up to our vows and I will super super super love you forever.
Cheers darling to 11 years and more!

I'm cheesy, almost or possibly over the jologs border cheesy. I'm also a JaDine fan, went OTWOL crazy - then when the mister couldn't restrain me from that craziness, he had to join me. So what could be a better way to cap our San Francisco project a few months back but to do an OTWOL tour (blowing kisses to my gorgeous friend Mavelle Peralta- Samoy for doing the research and bringing us to these places) relive the scenes.