At Honolulu Intl. waiting for our flight to LA. There is something in LA that I can't pinpoint what that I keep coming back and get to miss at times. It feels like second home. So when I was arranging our itinerary, there has to be a stop in LA.

Famished from the flight. We were treated to dinner by my loving Uncle B to Kyoto. All I remember was Onami in San Diego. He said they brought it closer to home, Burbank. Though this isn't in Burbank, just a few miles close.
On our first day, we drove to San Diego. Lego and is the kiddo's request. Bonding over rides. He still talks about it until now.

I wonder how many Lego pieces were used to assemble that Volvo car?

Definitely my boy, he's not afraid of heights, rides, drops. I'll keep that in mind next time we visit LA. Will have to bring him to Magic Mountain. I'm sure Ava will make it, Ace not too sure. Ha!ha! I remember my first Goliath ride, we climbed stairs, rode an elevator, climbed some more or so... Then the roller coaster inching it's way up... When it was ready to drop, all I can see is the freeway on the other side of the mountain. Oh my ga! I wanted to, but I couldn't, back out. There's no way to go down other than ride. So I stifled my scream as the roller coaster went drops, curves and all. The Americans were so quiet, what the heck, I can't be quiet, I screamed and screamed from the top of my lungs. I vowed. I vowed to do it AGAIN. Ha! Ha!

Our new business venture. How I wish! =)

The landscaping with the mini real plants amazes me most. Since Ace got hooked with bonsai, I've been wondering if there are banana or mango bonsai's. With edible fruits to boot. Weirdo!

The Lego visit ain't complete without a souvenir and of course, a taste of Rubio's fish tacos... I missed you! When I had a short stint with my aunt's QMCI, the office was like 5mins away. We most of the time have this for lunch. 99cents for two? Winner!
My Auntie M and Uncle B's vacation home in Carslbad. We slept there for the night. It hasn't been stayed in since it was bought 3 years ago.Practically new. I love the interiors. I'll share it with you some other time.

The drive with a lake on the end. We were on a hill with an overview of the lake at the bottom. Soooo nice!

Can't wait for Sea World!

My uncle B and little man. Big man, little man. Ha ha
Starfishes and turtles. The starfishes were so slimy! The water freezing. Yay!

Having fun obviously! Even on a god knows how high lift ride! I shudder! Not too fond of rides like this, it's too slow!
Meeting up with Monet. =) Seated in the splash zone, splash we get! Boo! Salty salty yuck!

They were sooo good! The best animal training I've seen so far.

This was crazier, dogs, cats, pigs, chickens, ducks, boars, birds, oh my my! Choreographed seamlessly. Very very good. Amazing talent from both animals and trainers. We couldn't even get our dog to sit. Boo!
Rides with Vince. Poor baby, had to baby sit ading Ava.

To cap off, dinner with the Castro's. Beautiful memories definitely worth remembering and repeating! Good luck on the pocket Ace! You have to literally work your ass off. Pardon the pun!
Location:San Diego, California