
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Victorian :: Jomarie + Dondon

Our second loveliness for the day at the sprawling garden of Fort Ilocandia Resort Hotel with a guest list of 600. Jaw drop. Teehee! When we were conceptualizing their cake, the mister and I were in argument about the small tiny ones he sketched to accent the main cake. Glad I lost, they came out really lovely. It's like a his and hers. The lace work and monograms were patterned after their invite.

And the couples area must have wooed them as Dr. Dondon - the groom, was asking if could we replicate it at their home. I wish I had taken more photos for this event though, I forgot the camera and had to go back and get it. You can just imagine me clicking everywhere in my dingy work clothes amidst ladies and gentlemen in their Victorian garb. Yikes!

Congratulations Dr. Jom and Dr. Dondon, to better mornings together.


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