
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Broadway debut::Eloissa

Prior to this party, we had a seriously crazy hiatus in our workforce. Three of our staff just went AWOL. One stole my son's iPod. This happened a day before this party so you can just imagine everyone was down and working double time. I am just thankful we were able to pull it off.

Eloissa is a lover of broadway musicals as she frequents watching it in NY. So envious!!! It was the only choice for her party's theme. Yay!

I did a collage of playbills and her photo for her lamp centerpieces. =)

The cake. =)

We hanged her favorite musicals' posters inside the auditorium. Very very nostalgic. We added flowers and candles in the lamp centerpieces too!

We made a makeshift theater stage. And a lounge for the photo ops.

Her sisters couldn't wait!

They are so lovely! I wonder where did they get their love for the camera. They have matching costumes too! So chic! So broadway-ish!

Shoot me for doing this, but I think we did a pretty good job in prettifying the City Hall auditorium. =) Just blessed to have a husband who can execute our designs, and a staff that follows his lead. =)

Oh well, all's well that ends well! =)

Happy 18th Eloissa!

Location:Laoag City Auditorium

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