
Monday, December 30, 2013

A wedding, a cup of coffee and the beach :: Russel + Joy

How novel to get married by the seashore, as the sun shines its first rays, with guests in billowy dresses. So without any shut eye,we head to Pasuquin beach and do some loveliness for Russel and Joy.



I love mornings, it definitely is a new day to continue what you've started or to start something new. And it is just lovelier when you wake up in the arms of who matters most. Hoping for lovelier mornings, Russel and Joy.


Year ender loveliness :: Lyn + Larry's 25th

And a Christmassy silver wedding anniversary to cap our December loveliness! To sum up my feelings for that day would be "elated". Elated that somehow we pulled through December with the crazy parties here and there not to mention the cakes we've baked, decorated and delivered. When we were done with this, the staff including myself burst into happy cheers. Yet I doused it immediately when I told them that we need to return to work on the 3rd of January. The mister looks at me and silently confirming I'm a masochist, slave driver. Teehee!

Anyways, we made a lovely white peony bouquet interspersed with red berries. Very Christmassy right? And we filled the Laoag City Auditorium with deep red roses. And a red cake topped with white roses... Sigh! I couldn't have asked a better way to end our December.

Cakes and cupcakes :: Ava's Cakes and Events
Floral and Event styling :: Kit + Ace of Ava's Cakes and Events
Venue:: Laoag City Auditorium
Planning and Coordination :: Mary Jane Pascual
Caterer :: La Preciosa


-Kit M.


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Victorian :: Jomarie + Dondon

Our second loveliness for the day at the sprawling garden of Fort Ilocandia Resort Hotel with a guest list of 600. Jaw drop. Teehee! When we were conceptualizing their cake, the mister and I were in argument about the small tiny ones he sketched to accent the main cake. Glad I lost, they came out really lovely. It's like a his and hers. The lace work and monograms were patterned after their invite.

And the couples area must have wooed them as Dr. Dondon - the groom, was asking if could we replicate it at their home. I wish I had taken more photos for this event though, I forgot the camera and had to go back and get it. You can just imagine me clicking everywhere in my dingy work clothes amidst ladies and gentlemen in their Victorian garb. Yikes!

Congratulations Dr. Jom and Dr. Dondon, to better mornings together.


December warmth:: Zaida and John Patrick

And we started back to back loveliness with the wedding of Zaida and John Patrick. Shoot me for not having a lot of photos to show, I forgot my camera. I know, darn! So I had to grab some photos from the Lauricio's, Shayne and Tito Cesar -who were the official photographers of this wedding.

Out first 23k gold cake with a wine colored rose topper. Sigh! The cake was so simple yet regal. The gold was something.

How nice were the red candle holders when illuminated.

The peony bouquet of our gorgeous bride, Zaida. Loving how the pinks popped really well from the here and there green buds.

And I love how dim Santa Monica church is. Just in case you were wondering, that is the Sarrat church where I one of the Marcoses got married.

Venue:: Arabella's Events Place
Cake:: Ava's Cakes and Events
Floral and Event Styling :: Kit and Ace of Ava's Cakes and Events
Caterer:: La Preciosa
Lights and Sounds:: Martin Audiolite
HMUA:: Mara Manuel

Location:Laoag Airport Road,Laoag City,Philippines


Friday, December 27, 2013

Dainty in December :: Emma + Edmond

"You know, today's wedding matches my mansanillas"

Why, how observant is the genius behind Sitio Remedios. The yellow blooms actually does bring out the loveliness of the Place. We did simple arrangements yet oozing with Emma and Edmonds personality.

The bridesmaids wore cheerful yellows, and the bride was so resplendent in her gown. Dear Emma, post your photos please. Teehee!


Cake:: Ava's Cakes and Events

Floral and event stylist:: Kit and Ace of Ava's Cakes and Events

Venue :: Sitio Remedios , Currimao, Ilocos Norte

Caterer:: Bolusan