Halfway through our events calendar, I was a little worried that somehow I don't feel the stress that goes with it. Was I getting complacent? That I shudder! And as we get nearer finishing events this December, somehow the stress isn't still there. Then a friend reminds me why...
it's because I love my job. True, if you enjoy what you're doing, love what it is... You don't have to work a single day of your life anymore. Well something like that.
The wedding that we did for Corinne and Ian was very light. Shabby chic for 40 guests. I know 40!

Well, hello folks! That would be me. Again, as we do have extra hands who work for us, we are very hands on doing your cakes and events. If by chance we can't come, we don't accept the project. I think, we translate our designs better personally than being relayed to someone else.

Our take in simple cakes. The peonies are pretty. Ace made those, didn't you all know by now. Teehee! I'm quite sensitive these days on where our cakes are perched. So when we do style the event, I go all out. Pretty cakes ought to be placed in pretty places too!

Lovely shabby chic pieces. 90% of what we used today, we got from Haweewee! It was fun and crazy scouring these pieces. I'm glad we were able to use them the soonest as it was my excuse to Ace when I was buying those. Please don't try to imagine what our stockroom looks like. Teehee! A lot of those would be an understatement. You see, couples are unique from another, their themes and requirements differ too. So I think, it is just but fair to give them a different look... and not just cut from the same cloth. Teehee!

The clock I got at the military swap meet. Can you believe I got it for just $3? It's a steal, I know!

Washi lovin from
Hey Kessy. That would be L-O-V-E, love.

Corinne brought home the typewriter keys and ribbon. The typewriter was a gift to me from a family friend. So thankful that our endeavors are supported by love ones. Sigh!

Toni of
Playa Tropical did the printed materials. Nice collab must I say. Thank you to Playa's gorgeous and oh so nice owner.

Photos were taken by the lovely redhead, Ferina Albano. She covered this event by the way. I couldn't wait for her takes on this event. She never fail to surprise me with her photos.

Thoughtful details, bow napkins... As requested by the pride, executed by Playa.

The doilies were DIY-Ed by the couple. And did you take notice of the doily place mat? So dainty. Sigh!
I guess that's a wrap. Two more and were done with the year. Next year is another story. Without much ado, Ian and Corinne... I loved working for you, thank you for being so gracious on the compliments to what we did. Much love! And maybe, we could bump into you one time in Orange. Congratulations!
- kit m.
Location:Laoag City,Philippines