How timely is the issuance of our tickets to go on this trip! It's been in the calendar months ago as Ava's semestral break is the only chance we could go on vacation, for several reasons. First, it falls on Halloween... Not many cakes nor parties, the ones we lose are affordable. Second, my in laws birthdays fall on these dates. Third, I get to see inspirations before the onset of Christmas. Fourth, veterans day memorial sale! I would have wanted the black Friday sale but that would be too long for a vacation for us already.
Timely I'd say for I thought it would nurse some bruised emotions I have. I know we are in a cutthroat industry but I didn't literally take it as cutting each others throats. Shit happens! Pardon the pun! I console myself with the following motivational quotes...
First, you can never put a good man down. Second, what goes around comes around. Third, you can not start something good from something bad without fixing the bad. I'm naive. We are people and not crabs. At least that's what I believe where we belong. I've actually appreciated the feeling of anger and hatred for it gives me more reason to do nicer projects or so. That is something that makes Ace go nuts. My desire to be better when angry is something. It truly is something. That's my way of turning the negative into positive.
One things for sure, I don't intend to besmirch our reputations with little foul plays or so... I believe in our portfolios... In our abilities to do nice things. Not words would sell us, but shoot me for saying this but... Our uncanny ability to make things pretty. =) Heaven sent!
What you do is what matters, not what you think, or say, or plan-J.Fried
- kit m.
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